We Like DayZGaming Community

Table of content

1  General rules
2  Discord rules
3  Base building rules
4  Horde rules
5  Care pack rules

General rules

No hate speach.
No politics.
No religion.
Respect eachother.
Respect the server and the admins.
Rage quiting is ok, raging in chat is not.
Cars/helis will be deleted if left on the map more than 24 hours. Use the garage.
Life happens sometimes, and you can´t get online to park in your veicle. In this case make a ticket on discord.
Lootcycling is not allowed.
If getting caught lootcykling you will be banned without any warning what so ever.
Loitering at trader or when fishing is not alowed.
At trader, use the trashcans, not the charging boxes.
When fishing, shoot the pots/wellies to ruined so that they despawn. Or make a cosy fire and discard of your trash that way. 

We do have players with special needs playing here.
We the admins take care of them to provide them with a secure enviroment to play this game.
I am very proud to be a part of a server that has this mindset among it´s admins.
This has been questioned by other players earlier. Do not question it again.

Discord Rules
No hate speach.
No politics.
No religion.
Respect eachother.
Respect the server and the admins.
Only admins are alowed to use @everyone and similar tags.
Do not tag admins
No promoting of other servers/web sites
Do not join a channel without invitation or ask if it is ok to join.
People might be in a fight, or might just want to play with their friends.
You can change status of your channel to reflect if all is welcome or not.

Mod updates
As you all know the mods needs to be updated every now and then.
If you have a more recent version of a mod than the server please do the following.
 Make a ticket
We are staffed almost 24/7 so most of the times it will be taken care of within an hour.
But if not, you just have to be patient.

Base Rules
Don't build more than you need!

You are free to build your base any wich way you want to. 

Keep a good distance to other bases, many bases in a small area causes lag and might lead to your base being deleted. 

If uncirtin in any way, create a ticket on discord and ask for advice. 

Build at least 1 km from a trader, 500 m from a military base regardless the size.
If you have a mysterbox in proximity to your base you are not allowed to enclose it in any way.
Don´t horde items, if we notice lag from a base we might go trough it to figure out why it caus lag.

If we notice lag from a base you will be asked to downsize. 
If you don´t do this we will do it for you. 

Horde rules
You are allowed to kill the horde a maximum of three times per day.
You must claim the horde in chat prior to killing it.
You must be within viewing distance and on the ground to claim it.
The claim should look "Claim horde 1-3/3",
in addition you have to claim it on Discord and you can do this after you kill it.
The claim on Discord should look the same as in chat.
If two or more groups are grinding the Horde at the same time, be civil, take turns, solwe it however you want.
Kindness and respect for eachother goes a long way.

You are alowed to claim one carepack a day.
The claim should look "Claim CP 1/1" and it needs to be done in chat prior to looting
and on discord wich can be done after looting.
You need to be in viewing distance of the smoke to claim it. 
You are not allowed to unclaim in any way if you got a carepack you don´t want or need.
You are alowed to scout the care pack before claiming it, but you risk loosing that care pack if someone claims it from under your nose.
Looting care packages without claiming it is a bannable offence.
Interfering with a care pack that is not claimed bannable offence.
If two or more groups are after the care pack, be civil, take turns, solwe it however you want.
Kindness and respect for eachother goes a long way. 

Colors for the Care pack is

Green = Building supplies

Red = Medical

Black = Weapons